Vidas Importantes,
Vecindarios Elevados
Important Lives,
Elevated Neighborhoods
Vidas Importantes,
Vecindarios Elevados
Important Lives,
Elevated Neighborhoods
By working closely with individuals and families in the Hispanic/Latino community, we’re working to fight cancer by making the air around our homes and neighborhoods cleaner and easier to breathe. We know that long-term sustainability comes from neighborhoods willing to change the community norms. Join us as we make a change for a healthier neighborhood.
You have the right to breathe smoke-free air where you live and play. In apartments and other multiunit housing, secondhand smoke can drift through walls, ventilation systems, windows and doorways. Secondhand smoke exposure is dangerous, and you shouldn’t have to worry about it seeping into your home.
Of the roughly 20 million college and university students in the United States, more than 1 million are projected to die prematurely from cigarette smoking. In order to counter the effects of tobacco and secondhand smoke on college age students, we support 100% Smoke/Tobacco-Free colleges and campuses.
We aim to cut the number of tobacco outlets by half. This case study examines the key strategies and lessons learned in developing a retail density policy, and explores the early impact in the first year of implementation.
More Than 43,000 Hispanics Are Diagnosed With A Tobacco-Related Cancer Each Year And More Than 18,000 Die From A Tobacco Related Cancer Each Year.
E-Cigarettes Are The Most Commonly Used Tobacco Product Among Hispanic High School Students.
Lung Cancer Is The Leading Cause Of Cancer Death Among Hispanic Men And The Second Leading Cause Among Hispanic Women.
7.2% Of Hispanic High School Students Are Smokers.
Big changes start with small actions. At VIVE there are several ways you can make a difference to lift our neighborhoods and take a stance against tobacco.
Have you or a loved one been affected by a tobacco-related cancer? We want to hear from you.
Sign a petition or complete an endorsement to take a stance against Big Tobacco in your neighborhood.
Volunteer with VIVE and join us as we elevate our neighborhoods! Learn about our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
The Imperial City Council passed a smoke-free ordinance proposed by the American Cancer Society’s VIVE project to prohibit outdoor smoking of any natural or synthetic tobacco, nicotine, cannabis or plant products in city public events and city-owned recreational areas
Hear from amazing patients, survivors, caregivers, friends and family who have been touched by cancer. Their personal life stories serve as hope, courage and strength for those struggling from the effects of cancer. We hope you will find inspiration and encouragement as you learn about how their lives were changed by cancer.
Contact Us
Riverside Office:
6377 Riverside Ave.
Suite 203
Riverside, CA 92506
El Centro Office:
400 S. Eighth St.
El Centro, CA 92243
Funded by the California Department of Public Health-Tobacco Control Program 17-10569.